Home > Related Links > Understanding Your Personal Injury Case > Preparation
- Make a list of all witnesses who will be able to vouch for any problems you are having relating to the incident. As a plaintiff, some people believe that you will exaggerate the effects of your injury or loss. Therefore, anyone who can provide firsthand knowledge of how the injury or loss is affecting you may be important. For instance, friends, relatives or neighbors may be aware of any problems you are having due to your injury or loss. If you are able to return to work, employees or supervisors may testify to your problems and the amount of your lost wages.
- If someone has knowledge about the liability aspect of the case, let us know immediately.
- If someone important to the case is moving, it is very important toget his or her new telephone number and address to us. This includes you.
- Save everything! Save all of your bills, records, statements, invoices, or anything that has to do with your case. Obtain a receipt and keep a record for all drugs, appliances, and bills incurred as a result of your injuries. Also, keep track of any other expenses that might be an indirect result of your injuries. An example would be baby-sitters or home-nurses hired because of your injury.
- Do not discuss your case with anyone other than your attorneys, doctors, pastor, priest, or rabbi.
- Do not sign anything with respect to your case until you have checked with the attorney handling your file.
- Keep a journal. You may think you will never forget the circumstances surrounding the incident or how the incident has changed your life. But, as time passes, you will find that events that seemed important when they occurred may become blurred in your memory. To prevent this, start a journal. Write a brief summary of the circumstances that surrounded the accident and of any substantial events that have occurred since the accident. Add to your journal any event that occurs which you believe would be important for a jury to consider in assessing your damages.
- Take photos or call our investigator to photograph anything that may disappear, including injuries and scars where we often need a series of photographs to show changes from month to month.
- From time to time, we may send you a request for updated information. Please complete any request andbe as accurate as possible.
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